*See Google Scholar for the most updated publication list
- Sparse Optimization of Two-Dimensional Terahertz Spectroscpoy
Z. Wang, H. Da, A.S. Disa, T. Pullerits, A. Liu, F. Schlawin
arXiv:2409.13101 - Observation of polarization density waves in SrTiO3
G. Orenstein, V. Krapivin, Y. Huang, Z. Zhan, G. de la Peña Munoz, R.A. Duncan, Q. Nguyen, J. Stanton, S. Teitelbaum, H. Yavas, T. Sato, M.C Hoffmann, P. Kramer, J. Zhang, A. Cavalleri, R. Comin, M.P.M. Dean, A.S. Disa, M. Först, S.L. Johnson, M. Mitrano, A.M Rappe, D. Reis, D. Zhu, K.A. Nelson, M. Trigo
- Probing Inhomogeneous Cuprate Superconductivity by Terahertz Josephson Echo Spectroscopy
A. Liu, D. Pavicevic, M.H. Michael, A.G. Salvador, P. E. Dolgirev, M. Fechner, A.S. Disa, P.M. Lozano, Q. Li, G.D. Gu, E. Demler, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics 20, 1751 (2024)
⟶ MPSD News - Excitation-dependent features and artifacts in 2-D terahertz spectroscopy
A. Liu and A.S. Disa
Optics Express 32, 28160 (2024) - Is Ba3In2O6 a high-Tc superconductor?
F.V.E. Hensling, D. Dahliah, M.A. Smeaton, B. Shrestha, V. Show, C.T. Parzyck, C. Hennighausen, G.N. Kotsonis, G.M Rignanese, M. Barone, I. Subedi, A.S. Disa, K. Shen, B.D Faeth, A.T. Bollinger, I. Bozovic, N. Podraza, L.F. Kourkoutis, G.T.F. Hautier, D.G. Schlom
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36, 315602 (2024) - Quenched lattice fluctuations in optically driven SrTiO3
M. Fechner, M. Först, G. Orenstein, V. Krapivin, A.S. Disa, M. Buzzi, A. von Hoegen, G. de la Pena, Q. L. Nguyen, R. Mankowsky, M. Sander, H. Lemke, Y. Deng, M. Trigo, A. Cavalleri
Nature Materials 23, 363 (2024)
⟶ MPSD News
- Optical Stabilization of Fluctuating High Temperature Ferromagnetism in YTiO3
A.S. Disa, J. Curtis, M. Fechner, A. Liu, A. von Hoegen, M. Först, T.F. Nova, P. Narang, A. Maljuk, A.V. Boris, B. Keimer, A. Cavalleri
Nature 617, 73 (2023)
⟶ APS Physics Research News
⟶ Cornell Chronicle
⟶ MPSD News - Dynamics of photoinduced ferromagnetism in oxides with orbital degeneracy
J.B. Curtis, A.S. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, P. Narang
Physical Review Research 5, 013204 (2023)
- Engineering crystal structures with light
A.S. Disa, T.F. Nova, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics 17, 1087 (2021)
- Polarizing an antiferromagnet by optical engineering of the crystal field
A.S. Disa, M. Fechner, T.F. Nova, B. Liu, M. Först, P.G. Radaelli, A. Cavalleri
Nature Physics 16, 937 (2020)
⟶ News & Views
⟶ MPSD News - Probing photoinduced rearrangements in the NdNiO3 magnetic spiral with polarization-sensitive ultrafast resonant soft x-ray scattering
K. Beyerlein, A.S. Disa, M. Först, M. Henstridge, T. Gebert, T. Forrest, A. Fitzpatrick, C. Dominguez, J. Fowlie, M. Gibert, J.-M. Triscone, S. S. Dhesi, and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review B 102, 014311 (2020) - High-resolution crystal truncation rod scattering: application to ultrathin layers and buried interfaces
A.S. Disa, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn
Advanced Materials Interfaces 7, 1901772 (2020)
- Metastable ferroelectricity in optically strained SrTiO3
T.F. Nova, A.S. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri
Science 364, 1075 (2019)
⟶ MRS Bulletin
⟶ MPSD News - Strong orbital polarization in a cobaltate-titanate oxide heterostructure
S. Lee, A.T. Lee, A.B. Georgescu, G. Fabbris, M.-G. Han, Y. Zhu, J.W. Freeland, A.S. Disa, Y. Jia, M.P.M. Dean, F.J. Walker, S. Ismail-Beigi, C.H. Ahn
Physical Review Letters 123, 117201 (2019)
⟶ Yale News - Disentangling lattice and electronic contributions to the metal–insulator transition from bulk vs. layer confined RNiO3
A.B. Georgescu, O.E. Peil, A.S. Disa, A. George, A.J. Millis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 14434 (2019)
- Magnetic-field tuning of photo-induced superconductivity in striped La2-xBaxCuO4
D.Nicoletti, D. Fu, O. Mehio, S. Moore, A.S. Disa, G.D. Gu, A. Cavalleri
Physical Review Letters 121, 267003 (2018) - Controlling conductivity in perovskite oxides by ferroelectric modulation of atomic-scale interface structure
A.Malashevich, M.S.J. Marshall, C. Visani, A.S. Disa, H. Xu, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn, S. Ismail-Beigi
Nano Letters 18, 573 (2018)
- Control of hidden ground state order in NdNiO3 superlattices
A.S. Disa, A.B. Georgescu, J.L. Hart, D.P. Kumah, P. Schafer, E. Arenholz, D.A. Arena, S. Ismail-Beigi, M.L. Taheri, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn
Physical Review Materials 1, 024410 (2017)
⟶ Editors’ Suggestion - Picoscale materials engineering
S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker, A.S. Disa, K.M. Rabe, C.H. Ahn
Nature Reviews Materials 2, 17060 (2017) - Temperature-Dependent Electron-Electron Interaction in Graphene on SrTiO3
H. Ryu, J. Hwang, D. Wang, A.S. Disa, J. Denlinger, Y. Zhang, S.-K. Mo, C. Hwang, A. Lanzara
Nano Letters 17, 5914 (2017) - Structural distortions at polar manganite interfaces
S. Koohfar, A.S. Disa, M.S.J. Marshall, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn, D.P. Kumah
Physical Review B 96, 024108 (2017) - Experimental verification of orbital engineering at the atomic scale: Charge transfer and symmetry breaking in nickelate heterostructures
P.J. Phillips, X. Rui, A.B. Georgescu, A.S. Disa, P. Longo, E. Okunishi, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn, S. Ismail-Beigi, R.F. Klie
Physical Review B 95, 205131 (2017)
- Orbital Engineering in Nickelate Heterostructures Driven by Anisotropic Oxygen Hybridization rather than Orbital Energy Levels
G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, J. Okamoto, J. Pelliciari, A.S. Disa, Y. Huang, Z.-Y. Chen, W.B. Wu, C.T. Chen, S. Ismail-Beigi, C.H. Ahn, F.J. Walker, D.J. Huang, T. Schmitt, M.P.M. Dean
Physical Review Letters 117, 147401 (2016)
- Orbital Engineering in Symmetry-Breaking Polar Heterostructures
A.S. Disa, D.P. Kumah, A. Malashevich, H. Chen, D.A. Arena, E.D. Specht, S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn
Physical Review Letters 114, 026801 (2015)
⟶ Editors’ Suggestion
⟶ APS Physics Viewpoint and Science Editors’ Choice
⟶ Yale Scientific, Yale Engineering News and APS Science Highlight - Strain and oxygen vacancy ordering in SrTiO3: Diffuse x-ray scattering studies
Y. Kim, A.S. Disa, T.E. Babakol, X. Fang, J.D. Brock
Physical Review B 92, 064105 (2015) - Research Update: Orbital polarization in LaNiO3-based heterostructures
A.S. Disa, F.J. Walker, S. Ismail-Beigi, C.H. Ahn
APL Mater. 3, 062303 (2015)
- Effect of Surface Termination on the Electronic Properties of LaNiO3 Films
D.P. Kumah, A. Malashevich, A.S. Disa, D.A. Arena, S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker, and C.H. Ahn
Physical Review Applied 2, 054004 (2014) - Conduction at a Ferroelectric Interface
M.S.J. Marshall, A. Malashevich, A.S. Disa, M.-G. Han, H. Chen, Y. Zhu, S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker, and C.H. Ahn
Physical Review Applied 2, 051001 (2014)
⟶ Editors’ Suggestion - Synthesis of SnTe Nanoplates with {100} and {111} Surfaces
J. Shen, Y. Jung, A.S. Disa, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn, J.J. Cha
Nano Letters 14, 4183 (2014) - Tuning the Structure of Nickelates to Achieve Two-Dimensional Electron Conduction
D.P. Kumah, A.S. Disa, J.H. Ngai, H. Chen, A. Malashevich, J.W. Reiner, S. Ismail-Beigi, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn
Advanced Materials 26, 1935 (2014)
- Phase diagram of compressively strained nickelate thin films
A.S. Disa, D.P. Kumah, J.H. Ngai, E.D. Specht, D.A. Arena, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn
APL Materials 1, 032110 (2013) - Modifying the Electronic Orbitals of Nickelate Heterostructures via Structural Distortions
H. Chen, D. P. Kumah, A.S. Disa, F.J. Walker, C.H. Ahn, S. Ismail-Beigi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 186402 (2013)
- Strain screening by mobile oxygen vacancies in SrTiO3
Y. Kim, A.S. Disa, T.E. Babakol, J. D. Brock
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 251901 (2010)
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