Sören Buchenau
Postdoctoral Researcher
Details (text with tooltip) I graduated in Nanoscience at the University of Hamburg in 2018. Throughout that time, I mostly focused on the investigation of topological insulator nanostructures. During my PhD in physics, I focused on the Raman and X-ray characterization of bio-inorganic model complexes. One major task was to build a laser that converts visible laser light to the THz regime to drive structural modes out of the equilibrium state. My research interests are pretty broad and as a postdoc in the Disa Lab, I will mainly be building a THz unit to control functional properties in quantum materials. If you manage to catch me outside the lab, I will probably be baking pizza, bread, or I am heading off to the gym.

Omar Mehio
KIC Postdoctoral Fellow
Details (text with tooltip) After graduating with a PhD in physics from Caltech, I joined Professor Disa’s group as a KIC Postdoctoral Fellow in August 2023. Building upon my thesis work in ultrafast optical engineering, my research aim is to use ultrastrong light-matter interactions to engineer the properties of quantum materials. Working at the intersection of quantum and ultrafast optics, materials synthesis, and nano-scale science, my goal is to embed materials in cavity architectures where the interaction strength between light and matter is enhanced significantly. The ultimate objective of this work is to observe behaviors that cannot exist in the bare material or empty cavity alone, with an eye towards creating hybrid-light matter states with interesting collective macroscopic phenomena such as superconducting, multiferroic, and quantum spin liquid states.

Sylvia Griffit
Ph.D. Student, Physics
Details (text with tooltip) I received a bachelor of science in physics from the University of Minnesota in 2021. In the Disa Lab I specialize in time resolved x-ray scattering to study light induced metastable states in quantum materials. In my free time, I enjoy playing the saxophone and hiking.

Chris Hennighausen
Ph.D. Student, Physics
Details (text with tooltip) I received my B.A. in Physics and minor in Materials Science in 2022 from Boston University. I am currently studying phonon transport properties and light-induced phase transitions. When I'm not in the lab, I like to exercise, read, and explore Central New York.

Jaya Higgins
Ph.D. Student, Applied Physics
Details (text with tooltip) I'm a UCLA graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree. In the Disa lab, I work in exploring how we can utilize nonlinear optics and pulsed laser technologies to engineer the electronic and magnetic properties of materials. Outside of lab, I enjoy reading, traveling, and experimental baking.

Zoe You
Ph.D. Student, Physics
Details (text with tooltip) I graduated from Colgate University with a major in Physics and Chinese. I am interested in both optics and condensed matter physics. My general interests are in light-matter interaction, such as using light to probe sample properties while or after it interacts with light. I like to play the bass guitar in my free time, and I also enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing 🙂

Julianne Lee
Undergraduate Student, A&EP ’27
Details (text with tooltip) I'm an undergraduate studying Engineering Physics broadly interested in optics, quantum materials, and nanofabrication. Currently, I'm working on a nonlinear pulse compression system for terahertz generation and spectroscopy. Outside of the Disa Lab, I'm also involved with theory and hardware projects for the Quantum Computing Association at Cornell.

Eleanor Richard
Undergraduate Student, A&EP ’25
Details (text with tooltip) Hi! I’m Eleanor and I am a junior studying Engineering Physics. I am very interested in understanding and controlling light-matter interactions. I have worked with a magneto-optic Kerr effect set-up and terahertz spectroscopy to study quantum materials. Outside of lab and class, I am a member of the Applied and Engineering Physics Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee, and I am President of ExP, the undergraduate AEP society. I am also on the Cornell triathlon team and enjoy hiking around Ithaca.